Unyama Consórcio União de Revendedores de Motocicletas S C

Administração Judicial

Unyama Consórcio União de Revendedores de Motocicletas S C

Compilation Error

Server Error in '/' Application.

Compilation Error

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'AlterarUsuario' is not a member of 'cNegocio'.

Source Error:

Line 127:            Dim enviarEmail As New cEmailNeg
Line 128:            Dim objetos As New cEmailObj
Line 129:            If AlterarUsuario.AlterarUsuario(txtNome.Text, rbTipo.SelectedValue, txtRepresentanteLegal.Text, txtTipoCPFCNPJ.Text, txtEndereco.Text,
Line 130:                                             txtBairro.Text, txtCidade.Text, ddlUF.SelectedValue, txtCEP.Text, Now, "A", userID) = "OK" Then
Line 131:                objetos.assunto = "Usuário " & txtNome.Text & IIf(rbTipo.SelectedValue = "F", " - CPF: " & txtTipoCPFCNPJ.Text, " - CNPJ: " & txtTipoCPFCNPJ.Text) & " cadastrado no site " & Request.Url.AbsoluteUri

Source File: D:\InetPub\vhosts\licksassociados.com.br\unyama.admjudlicks.com.br\CadastroCredores.aspx.vb    Line: 129

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.8.4718.0